The Hindus believe in being a vegetarian. As per the Holy scriptures, the Vedas and the Gita, vegetarianism is lauded. However, there are also detractors to this philosophy. But before I progress further let me just make a personal statement. I am not a vegetarian myself, though at times I am. I would explain why this is so in a few moments.
But let us look at our anatomy first and formost. Our anatomy is that of an omnivour and not a herbivour (such as that of a cow or goat). We have a set of canine teeth to tear away meat and we also have acidic juices in our stomach to digest meat. All this is so because humankind has evolved for many years and thus slowly we have evolved to accomodate meat.
As such the question pops out, should we be vegetarian? My answer to this is both a yes and no. I know you would be perplexed by my answer here, but please bear with me and read on.
The answer yes first. We should be a vegan. There's a few reasons here. Number 1, is a health reason. Meat, red meat, etc. contains high amounts of saturated fats and bad cholestrol. All this would eventually accumulate and pose health risks such as Arteriosclerosis (hope my spelling is correct), diabetes and obesity. It can be seen already that America has one of the highest number of obese people in the world due to fast foods such as McDonalds, KFC and etc.
Secondly, a vegan diet does not create heaviness in a person. A vegan diet relaxes the stomach and the organs and this would be conducive to the practice of meditation. Now why is meditation important? It is because meditation is the tool of spirituality. By keeping the body in shape and light, our ancient wise men knew it would be conducive to a wonderful practice of concentration which leads to a delightful meditation and absorption in the cosmic conciousness.
And thirdly, animal conciousness which is transfered to human conciousness by meat consumption. At the point of death/slaughter, the emotions of animals (such as fear and panic) would manifest and be transfered to the humans who consumes it. To a small degree this affects human emotions. Believe me, I have asked meat eaters to follow me to the cemetery at midnight and none would as they feared there's ghosts and etc. The same cannot be said of pure Vegans, they were more brave!
Thus thats the few reasons I could think of of why we must be a Vegan. Now the opposing view. Why we should also include meat in our diet.
Well, for this argument there's only 2 reasons. One is circumstances. The other is pure desire for meat. Sometimes we're in the company of meat eaters (i.e. family, friends, spouse). Thus we dont want to burden them with our strict vegan diet. Secondly, we ourselves desire meat as a meal.
My take on this once again is, there should not be a desire to be a vegatarian, instead there should be no desire to eat meat!!! There is a diffence in the 2 statements above if you look at it carefully. The 1st one is being a vegan by suppresing his/her meat eating instincts. The 2nd one is leaving meat eating because one is no more interested in meat. By suppresing our instincts we only make it worse.
Therefore, if one is really inclined to be a vegan, he/she should pray hard so that god would show them a way. Let the divinity work through the human body. Belive me, the meat eating instincts would slowly fade away.
So, as and end note may I wish everyone a Happy Vegan life...if you choose so :-)
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