Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Who is Shiva?

I thought of writing about my beloved deity Shiva peruman (peruman is Indian language meaning a great divine soul) today. The reason I dont use the word Lord Shiva instead is apparent if you have read my BDSM GODS vs Universal GODS article before. The word Lord comes from English and instills the feudalism concept of Lord and servant in the relationship with the absolute divine which in my opinion is counterproductive for spiritual evolvement. Instead the Indian language refers to gods as divine atma (divine sould) and calls them paramatma or peruman which I prefer to use here refering our relationship with the absolute divine as a teacher-student relationship.

Anyway so who is Shiva? Well as I said above Shiva rules the sign Scorpio and also Aquarius and Pieces in the zodiac belt. Therefore he imbibes this energies into himself. Scorpio first. Scorpio is that dark house of all mysteries and secrets. The classic 8th house of the horoscope.

As it is the house of secrets, all things secret comes into the domain of this houses whgich include but not restricted to things like, occult, death, sex, tantra, magick, secret emotions, secret societies, kundalini, mysteries, obstacles, sudden events, poisons, etc. Shiva therefore embodies all this qualities within him. In this house Shiva assumes the form of Bhairava. Picture of Bhairava below:

Bhairava is part of Shiva which is attuned to the darker side of things just like the sign scorpio. The enlightenment produced here is that of illumination within the darkness of Scorpio/ Vrichika. Shiva Bhairava's energies are usually used for Tantric practices as Bhairava rules scorpio. So is it for magick. Therefore the 1st energy of Shiva peruman is that of Bhairava. To honor Bhairava's energy one invokes and makes prayers to him on the 8th phase of the waning moon. As I have said before, Shiva loves the waning moon and not the waxing moon. Bhairava generally relates to the tamasic aspect of manifestation as he does not differentiate between satvik, rajas and tamas, anything goes with him. All is Shiva, thus the aghoras in India (Tantric cult) even goes to the extent of eating dead corpses and living in the graveyards!!!...

An image of an Aghori...

Now the second part of Shiva peruman. This is the star Thiruardirai which is ruled by Rudra aspect of Shiva. Now Rudra is the part of Shiva which is the storm part. Full of anger wanting to destroy things on his path. Imagina a storm coming your way, thats the energy of Rudra peruman. Rudra here relates to Rajasik energy, or the passionate aspect of manifestation. In modern living, this is about achievements. Thiruardirai is the star of achievements. Rudra is the storm but he also represents overcoming the storms. Storms can be challenges one faces in life. Therefore Rudra energy is overcoming storms in life. Thus Shiva peruman is honored and prayed for relief of all sufferings in the waning 13th phase of the moon (my birth moon phase). This is called Pradosham in Tamil language. Thus Shiva becomes violent as Rudra and destroys anything in his way. Definetely this is a dangerous energy to mess with!!!...

Image of Sri Rudra...

The 3rd aspect of Shiva peruman would be that of Sadashiva. Now Sadashiva is related to the Pieces part of the zodiac. Pieces represents the mystical, blissful spiritual state. The yogic state of samadhi is finally achieved in Pieces. The kundalini energy which was activated in Scorpio now finds its culmination in Sahasrara Chakra in Pieces. In other words, Bhairava becomes Sadashiva. Sadashiva means purity and auspiciousness. All that is pure and auspiciouss is Shiva. Therefore Shiva means blissful state of conciousness, sat-chit-ananda (truth, conciousness, bliss)...

So this is the basic energies of Shiva peruman. Remember Hindu rituals are based not on feudalistic system of god worship. However when a Hindu does prayers, what is happening is archetype energies are invoked to influence one's unconcious mind. When the unconcious mind is affected, changes in life can be activated. When we activate Shiva peruman's energy, we would flow towards transcedence and spiritual bliss. All spiritual knowledge and mysteries would be solved. Love of Shiva releases us as I said before, from the shackles of bondage of rebirth and sufferings. True wisdom and enlightenment is gained by gaining the blessings of Shiva peruman.

Jai Shiva...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The BDSM Gods vs The Universal Gods

Well I guess this title should have attracted you. I mean BDSM gods, what the F!!!...Here let me explain what I'm about to write...

First and formost some of you may not know what is BDSM. Well if you dont, go to and type this word out and hit the search button and open the wikipedia entry explaining about it and grasp the concept. Or if you feel lazy let this picture below illustrate my point...

So what has this fetish concept has to do with god? Well many things in common. There are belief systems propogating the following...

B - All of us are born sinners and need to worship an external being named G-O-D on a daily basis on a stipulated time i n a stipulated manner to obtain the grace of G-O-D to whom we worship our faith. Well, to me it looks exactly like whats happening in the picture above, if we take the woman to be the G-O-D. Thus the B element in BDSM is fullfilled.

D - Now the next aspect is the D. Well, throughout ages belief systems have always wages wars to dominate the world population. As more D's would produce more B's for the G-O-D of their respective belief systems. Throughout ages and history million innocent men and woman have been ravaged and died because of these BDSM GODS!!!...

SM - Well the last elemt of the BDSM GODS is the SM part. Well why SM, well these belief systems glorify gory-ism and sadistic ideas...just look at the pictures sick these people are...

So you see what I mean by the BDSM gods? It is strange that many people practice BDSM in todays world. Truly it marks the shift of conciousness into dumbness...

Anyway at the other spectrum are the Universal Gods. Now who are the universal gods. Well the universal gods are the anti-BDSM G-O-D-S. They want to help humanity to free themselves from the B-D-S-M of the world. In fact they dont even want to be known as GOD, instead they are deities or archetypes helping the human conciousness.

They help us by attuning our unconcious mind in the proper way to liberate us from Earth's BDSM energy. And the chief archetype deity of the universal gods is definetely someone who destroys this ignorance and dumbness...he's the destroyer aka transformer, a benevolent archetype known as SHIVA...

SHIVA means auspicioussness and purity. In other words blissfull conciousness. This archetype helps us to understand ourselves better and destroys all our impurities and ignorance so that true wisdom and enlightenment occurs in every individual. Unlike the BDSM GODS who like worship, Shiva prefers a person meditates upon himself. Shiva patronises the art of meditation just like the picture above. Unlike the BDSM GODS who love to say the word "OBEY or you shall be damned!!!"...

The Hindu religion happens to patronise the Shiva archetype and spirit by chance. Shiva does not belong to Hindus, he helps anyone and everyone to be liberated from BDSM cycle of birth and death. Auspiciousness, purity and bliss belongs to all. One does not need to worship another to obtain it. Bliss is something we experience in deep meditation and relaxation....

My hope for the coming new age, that all people from all parts of this world wake up from the deep slumber of ignorance and seek their liberation from the cycle of their BDSM...may Shiva's blessings be with everyone...

P.S...Perhaps I should try out some BDSM activities in a club nearby this :-p

What is black magic

It was raining cat and dogs today, and pretty much wet everywhere. So I thought why not pen down something here and voila thought about sharing something about magic particularly the spooky one called black magic.

Well, so this word has definetely spooked people since time immemorial. Black magic!...images of hexes, witches, pentagrams, etc shall fill our minds with this word. Not to mention the all evil devil trying to upset the world order.

So here's my take into this subject matter. First of all we must understand that Black magic ("BM") is a form of magic. Magic here does not refer to illusions like that of David Copperfield's or David Blaine but more so of manipulation of the universe to achive a certain end. The occult fraternity uses the term magick in lieu of this instead of magic.

All magick has its roots in paganism and all paganistic practices originated in a land called India long long time ago. Magick was actually an offshoot of Indian/Hindu spirituality. As the ages passed by and gross materialistic desires tended to take over men became more preoccupied with matter than spirit. Thus developed the branch of magick in India. Therein the arab traders who traded with India took them to the ancient Sumeria and Egypt. There the pharoah used magick extensively and the pharoah's blooadlines (the blue bloods who run the world today) still do use this practices. Not to say that it is wrong as you will see later.

Since the advent of Christianity, paganism had been suppressed and all kinds of accusations were levied to pagans. The natural lustre of magick became perverted with human prejudice and stigma. The process of demonisation had begun!

In terms of magick based on my personal experience, there is only 3 magick, namely satvik magic (spiritual/natural magick), rajasik magic (magick of passion and desire) and finally tamasik magick (magick for material pursuits). The colours attributed to each would be white (satvik), red (rajasik) and black (tamasic). Therefore black magic is tamasic magick. The pursuit of material goals and pleasures in the material realms. Is it wrong then? Definetely not! Magick is like a nuclear energy, used by the wise it produces benefits to everyone, used by the wrong person there will be destruction. Therefore it is not magick but the person using it that matters. And thus one should not attempt magick especially tamasik stuff without proper guidance of a teacher or a benevolent deity.

Magick whether it is white or black has nothing to do with evil or good forces. Good and evil are human creations based on ignorance. Everyone has godly attributes within them as well as demonic ones within. No one is spared. If someone is spared, he's jusk a hypocrite of greatness or an actor deserving an academy award!

Used properly magick can acelerate one's spiritual progress. This method is prevalently found in yogic practice of tantra. Harnessed properly illumanition would be the result and in a great speed. However, it also can be dangerous, as tantra opens us to the demons within us. Therefore proper faith/ guidance is required for this purpose.

So is BM dangerous. Of course not. BM has just been stigmatised by Jewish based religions for world political dominion. In fact, in today's world everyone is indulging in BM...yes it is a fact. When someone goes to McDonalds (some say McD is itself an occult outfit of the elite, the M being th 13th alphabet in the alphabets...and being controlled by the illuminati...). Anyway, when we eat the Big Mac for example, made by the slaughter and suffering of the cows, we are attracting tamasic energy into our body system. Thus, we are being an unknowing participant in the dark world of tamasic. Nothing wrong here though, we live in Kaliyuga, the dark age anyway. And Big Mac is a world culture, its normal! BM is normal folks, we all do it 24 hours daily unknowingly...just that there is no witch garbs, black cats, brooms and sexual orgies...

Btw, the pic above shows where your next burger comes from. Delicious aint it. Look at the beautiful cow having good time with the butcher. Such an ecstacy for one being to provide a meal for another! Well, hope all of you continue to support these benevolent corporation called you know what...

So folks, moral of the story BM is not there somewhere, its happening daily. Lets grow up and talk to the demons within us rather than imaginery demons out there. Transcend these demons within and then pursue more satvik goals for self empowerment and spiritual enlightenment...


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Moon - The planet of reflection

Moon, the one planet orbiting our Earth day and night whole year long has fascinated mankind since time immemorial. moon has always been associated with emotions, water and dark reflections since it occurs in the night spewing sun's lumination.

My fascination on moon started I was a tenager. There I was always looking at the moon as it always was an object of both intrigue and mystery. Its lumination within the darkness heightens its appeal to a metaphysical person like me.

So what is the secret of the moon? Well, after all this years, I would have to say it is the most fascinating planet in the sky. Able to pull a seismic wave in the beaches during the full moons and even turn a person into a werewolves according to myths and legends!!!...

Thus, the power of the moon...

Based on my personal experience, research and occult knowledge, moon is the governing planet of the sign Cancer within the zodiac belt. Cancer happens to be the 4th house representing emotions. Volatile emotions that is. Unlike Scorpio which is intense emotions and Pieces which is blissful emotions, the cancerian energy is all about swings, yup mood swings...the ups and downs just like the tides. The moon thus is related to swinging emotions.

One's moon has to be analysed in the astrological horoscope to determine the emotional makeup of a person. The archetype deity ruling the moon's placement star becomes one's personality and temperament. For example, a person having their moon in the star Pooram/ Purva Phalguni will have the temperament of its deity Bahga/Bahagia. Bahagia means happiness and fun, thus this person is highly likely to be a jovial sensual person. He/she always wants to be the center of attraction. Madonna is one example of this Pooram type. Malika Sherawat is another.

Thus, the moon is a critical planet for all of us. However, the more important thing about the moon is the dark reflections. This for me is the most interesting aspect of the moon, particularly the waning moon, the one that adorns the crest of Bholenath!!!....

So why does Bholenath wears a crescent moon? Well here's what Bhole bhai whispered to me. The crescent moon represents a waning moon (Shiva loves the waning moon since it represents destruction)...the waning moon in his crest and Shiva always deep in meditation represents reflection. In deep tapasya or deep tantric sex, one gets the glimpses of the dark world within us. These reflections on the darkside eventually would free us from the bondages of birth and death and release us from the miseries of it...

And yes sex is also kind of ruled by moon, so it makes moon/soma the most sensuous among the planets as well. It also rules the menstrual cycle of woman and thus ancient wiccan/pagan practices were very much moon based, since it was the worship of the goddess.
Thats a bit about the moon I wanted to share today, however the main reason I wrote this article is to implore everyone on the need to reflect on our life experiences on a constant basis and to do daily meditations to find the answers to life's unique challenges. The moon represents the mind, thus the mind is a tool of reflection, reflecting the luminous soul sun within us, the true personality we are.
So ladies and gentlemen lets do some meditation and reflection today...may the blessings of moon/soma be with us...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Can fate be changed?

Most of us ponder upon the question whether we can change our fate or is fate the ultimate destiny bestowed upon us. There are basically 3 school of thoughts. The 1st being of course it can. The 2nd being it cant and 3rd being somewhere in between.

This question has plaqued me since the days of my school. As an astrologer, when people consult me for remedies, it kind of bewilders me whether fate can really be changed. I say this because, based on ancient teachings, life is meant to be a stage of experiences leading us to wisdom and enlightenment. Our life themes are predetermined for us based on our karmic patterns moderated by energy patterns of the universe (deities, archetypes, nakshatras, etc). We are destined for things in many ways and both pleasures and pain of life are experiences leading to wisdom. However this is ancient wisdom! The sages of lore in the golden age known as Satyayuga practiced penances and meditations without pervasive DESIRES!!!...they led simple lifes.

However times have changed. The demons have taken over. It's the dark age of Kaliyuga now. Our world is ravaged by tamasic/ material pursuits more than satvic/spiritual pursuits. Just being in the stage acting, experiencing and reflecting for wison aint enough in today's world. What we want is basically acting, experiencing, and more experiencing good things, and then expereiencing more more good things, and then more more more good things, and so on and on...till we forget about reflecting and wisdom! Oh the age of ignorance. My neighbour was just gloating about how her son just bought a BMW it was the most important thing in the whole universe!!! duh! it really matters in the coffin bed...

Anyway, people nowadays are so obsessed with pursuit of material stuff and are forgeting the most important question of it all..."how am I getting wiser by my experience" or "how is this experience serving me?"...common guys we all know no man is ever satisfied, ever wondered why this is so?...if it is Mr Bill Gates the richest dude in the planet will long have retired...yet mankind dont wake up...adui!!!

So what do we do in this age of demons? Btw demons dont exist. Its just a english metaphor for tamasic conciousness...hello Christian preachers, pls stop demonising the poor demons...the real demons are you guys, molesting innocent school boys in bible schools...duh!!!...Anyway guys tamasic energies are not so bad...if things are done in proper manner...just add the reflecting part to the experience...and voila that'll do...

And yeah we can manipulate fate itself. Yes we can do it. It is very prompt for this dark age. If we want we can do it. BMW? Well, thats a piece of cake. As Rhonda Byrne says use "the power of attraction - the secret"...

and here's another one...

and yeah the list goes on...the gist of it is subconcious mind programming, positive thinking, neuro linguistic programming, psycolotheraphy and the more spiritual chakra balancing and etc etc...

So what does the great one say upon all these...well yes to a certain extent this do work, but there is still limitation. You see all these work up to the subconcious mind. Beyond that it doesnt. And karmas (desire imprints affecting thought patterns) are in the unconcious mind and not subconcious thus it is still subject to luck for success. Thus many people who used the "Secret" method failed miserable. And so too many other courses. The real reason astrology works is because it touches the unconcious.

See astrology is actually the map of the unconcious mind. We are all born at a certain star configuration at a particular hour, minute and second. The star patterns in the sky mimics our unconcious tendencies. As the Hermetic principle states, As Above So Below...

Thus real manipulation of destiny needs to touch the unconcious mind. That is where the goldmine is. So how do we do that? Well, I'll keep that for another day then, because its a long story. But the gist of it is possible. Why? Because Shiva says so!!!...


Monday, November 5, 2012

The Star Purvabhadrapada aka Poratadhi


PURVABHADRAPADA / PURATADHI is represented by 2 bright stars known in modern astronomy as Alpha-Pegasi and Beta-Pegasi. They lie on top of the astronomical constellations of Kumbham & Meenam.

PURVABHADRAPADA / PURATHAATHI translates into – “the one who possesses lucky feet”. “ A Sword” & also“ a single ray of sun” are its other symbols.

It has an obscure ruling deity with the name of “Aja-Ekapada”, which translates into “the one footed goat”. This mysterious creature is a goat-headed monster with one leg, who form part of the entourage of RUDRA (the fierce form of Shiva). Aja-Ekapada can be seen as the ruling deity of all types of black magic and that is why many individuals deeply influenced by this nakshatra are naturally attracted to black magic. As Rudra, the fierce form of Shiva, it carries the destructive aspect of Shiva, in much the same manner as Ardra/Thiruvaathirai, but more cruel than Ardra/Thiruvaathirai.

Most evolved souls usually use the nakshatra’s energy to mortify themselves instead of others. All the sages like Vishwamitra, who underwent extreme penance, are basically using this nakshatra’s energy. Even in India, many SADHUS involve themselves in intense practices involving self torture and self mortification. A PURVABHADRAPADA / PURATHAATHI native is ready to stand on one foot for even ten years , if they are convinced that is will bring them their desired result. wOw!

Surprisingly, this nakshatra belongs the the brahmana class because of its ruler, Jupiter, the most brahmanical amongst planets.

Its body parts include the ribs, abdomen, & the sides of the legs. It also an indicator of the Left thighs & the soles of the feet. It’s a predominantly a VATA (Air) nakshatra too. Its directions are west and southwest.

For those suffering from the bad effects resulting from afflictions to this nakshatra, the best remedial worship is to worship Lord Shiva.

Varahamihira states that “those who have Moon in PURVABHADRAPADA/PURATHAATHI are good at earning money, are stingy and are liable to place their wealth at the disposal of their partners. An act befitting 90% of all ruling elites in the world today.