Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The BDSM Gods vs The Universal Gods

Well I guess this title should have attracted you. I mean BDSM gods, what the F!!!...Here let me explain what I'm about to write...

First and formost some of you may not know what is BDSM. Well if you dont, go to and type this word out and hit the search button and open the wikipedia entry explaining about it and grasp the concept. Or if you feel lazy let this picture below illustrate my point...

So what has this fetish concept has to do with god? Well many things in common. There are belief systems propogating the following...

B - All of us are born sinners and need to worship an external being named G-O-D on a daily basis on a stipulated time i n a stipulated manner to obtain the grace of G-O-D to whom we worship our faith. Well, to me it looks exactly like whats happening in the picture above, if we take the woman to be the G-O-D. Thus the B element in BDSM is fullfilled.

D - Now the next aspect is the D. Well, throughout ages belief systems have always wages wars to dominate the world population. As more D's would produce more B's for the G-O-D of their respective belief systems. Throughout ages and history million innocent men and woman have been ravaged and died because of these BDSM GODS!!!...

SM - Well the last elemt of the BDSM GODS is the SM part. Well why SM, well these belief systems glorify gory-ism and sadistic ideas...just look at the pictures sick these people are...

So you see what I mean by the BDSM gods? It is strange that many people practice BDSM in todays world. Truly it marks the shift of conciousness into dumbness...

Anyway at the other spectrum are the Universal Gods. Now who are the universal gods. Well the universal gods are the anti-BDSM G-O-D-S. They want to help humanity to free themselves from the B-D-S-M of the world. In fact they dont even want to be known as GOD, instead they are deities or archetypes helping the human conciousness.

They help us by attuning our unconcious mind in the proper way to liberate us from Earth's BDSM energy. And the chief archetype deity of the universal gods is definetely someone who destroys this ignorance and dumbness...he's the destroyer aka transformer, a benevolent archetype known as SHIVA...

SHIVA means auspicioussness and purity. In other words blissfull conciousness. This archetype helps us to understand ourselves better and destroys all our impurities and ignorance so that true wisdom and enlightenment occurs in every individual. Unlike the BDSM GODS who like worship, Shiva prefers a person meditates upon himself. Shiva patronises the art of meditation just like the picture above. Unlike the BDSM GODS who love to say the word "OBEY or you shall be damned!!!"...

The Hindu religion happens to patronise the Shiva archetype and spirit by chance. Shiva does not belong to Hindus, he helps anyone and everyone to be liberated from BDSM cycle of birth and death. Auspiciousness, purity and bliss belongs to all. One does not need to worship another to obtain it. Bliss is something we experience in deep meditation and relaxation....

My hope for the coming new age, that all people from all parts of this world wake up from the deep slumber of ignorance and seek their liberation from the cycle of their BDSM...may Shiva's blessings be with everyone...

P.S...Perhaps I should try out some BDSM activities in a club nearby this :-p