Saturday, December 1, 2012

Karma - Figment of imagination or reality?

I'm sure everyone sometime or rather had heard about the theory of karma. Karma is believed to be the results of past actions bearing fruit today. In various religions and belief systems karma is known by another name, as sin.
Well here are my thoughts on karma. And the best way of doing this is from my own personal experience. Few years back I was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease, whereby both my kidneys were damaged and could not filter out bodily wastes. After trying to find a solution to this problem, I came to realise that modern technology can only solve this problem in 2 ways. One was through dialysis and the other through a kidney transplant.
The problem with kidney transplant of course was in finding a willing kidney donor and the cost and side effects of post transplant medication, while dialysis was the discomfort of weekly visits to the dialysis sessions, discomfort, pain of needles poking us, etc...

When I first heard of my kidney problem, I was devastated. It was like death himself had visited me. I was young adult with lots of ambition and dreams, and yet fate gave me this!!! It was during this time, that I started my research on karma.
See, lets not talk about past life here. When I analysed my present life itself, there were many indications why my kidney had failed, some of the usual suspects in my case are these guys...



leading to this...

Well, those were the days. So these were some of the causes that resulted me into kidney problems and eventually dialysis. Thefore, we can see clearly the physical causation behind my physical ailment here. However karma is more in-depth than this. For example, what made me consume that burger in the first place, or why was I so focused in my job until I had no time to exercise?

Everything in life if we analyse carefully originate from thought waves of the mind. And where does the thought waves originate from? Who is influencing our thought patterns? What makes us reach to McDonalds and get the Big M?...Is it this clown???....

Or is there more to it than just this clown?

Science says that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Thoughts in an essence is an energy form. Thus it goes on and on, just changes its forms. Thus, we are constantly influenced by objects around us as well as objects within us. It is an interplay of galactic proportions. If a clown can influence us to buy McD, what about these gigantic space objects below...

Say the biggest guy there, Jupiter is millions of tonnes greater mass than President Obama, the most powerful man in the world! Sir Isaac Newton says in his gravitational theory that all masses has an impact and influence on other masses. So imagine our uncle Jupiter's influence on us...perplexing isn't it.
Therefore, I realised if we want to change our destiny we need to change our thought patterns. However this is easier said than done. Because, there's jumbo sized planets out there influencing our thoughts in the first place.
Well, the best part of dialysis is you tend to have TIME. Each session lasts 4 hours and we have to make it to the hospital 3 times a week minimum. That 4 hours gave me time for meditation and research. Thats how slowly I managed to solve my critical problem.
The science of changing destiny is truly understanding the planets and the zodiac belt of the universe. The planets affect us subtly, therefore it is not the physical planets, but the subtle body of the planet within us. For example, we all have a subtle sun within us, the position of the sun at the time of birth determines the inner sun's qualities thus affecting how our thought function and react in a given situation.
Karma's or unconcious thought patterns can slowly be changed by deep meditation and by certain ritualistic magick attracting positive vibrations of the archetype deities in the universe. To do so, requires one to master the science of astrology, particularly the Vedic Astrology, because it is the most comprehensive science of astrology in the planet today.
Using astrology I was able to change the course of my life. I solved my kidney problem within 2 years. And I am now back to normal life and roaring like a lion again...thus, by solving this problem, I have completed another similarity with my favourite archetype, Shiva peruman, and that is of Mahamrityunjaya (Great conqueror of death). I have conquered death itself and alive today with the grace of my beloved Shiva peruman. In fact the truth is all my knowledge and secret wisdom all comes from him I'm ever grateful and may I end this post with this message...


Unknown said...

U mean u used mahamritunjaya manta to overcome your disease

Unknown said...

U mean u used mahamritunjaya manta to overcome your much japa u did

Satchit Anantha said...

Yes this mantra is very powerful. Performing Japa together with a Yagya at the Specific Power vortex was the ingredients of my success. However, all these can only be achieved with complete surrender and love (bakti) to the divine. May god bless you...

p.s. The quantity of japa is not important but the quantum of bakti and love to Lord Mahamrityunjaya is the key...