Monday, December 26, 2011

Jesus Christ - Son of Caesar & Cleopatra?

I went to my brother's house for Christmas celebrations the other day. While we were having our dinner together, something interesting came up. My brother told me that there is an interesting theory that stipulates that Jesus Christ is in fact the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra!

I was quite stunned at the beginning and slowly my brother unfolded the theory. According to his research, he believed that Jesus Christ was actually crucified because he was the true heir to the Roman empire and the powers that be did not want him on the throne.

Jesus or Isa as he is popularly known then was believed to travel to India to avoid Roman prosecution. There in India, he was widely believed to have had studied and practice yoga and meditation under both hinduism and buddhism. Thus the saying that Jesus Christ was in fact a classmate of the great Kriya Babaji Nagaraj (the great mahaguru of Paramhansa Yogananda).

Well, I feel this theory seems to be quite logical, however it definetely needs more research and evidence. But indeed it fills in the gap of Jesus's missing years in the Holy Bible.

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